Everybody knows chances are that left-handed folks aren’t of the devil, appropriate?! Here are 15 reasons to date an incredible lefty.

1. Whether your date’s a lefty and you are right-handed, you’ll keep non-dominant hands while consuming meal — or completing paperwork.

2. Perhaps it is because they truly are living in a right-handed world, but lefties do well at thinking outside of the field. In accordance with Slate, “there might be an outsize wide range of lefty geniuses because lefties are more likely to engage in divergent reasoning.”

3. Yep, they are super-smart. Bill Gates, Aristotle and Marie Curie: all left-handed. Despite symbolizing just 11 per cent for the American population, about 20 per cent of Mensa‘s people are southpaws. You will find a disproportionate number of left-handed Nobel reward champions, too.

4. Not that you care…but college-educated left-handed guys bring home a little more for the bacon than their right-handed counterparts. (See Bill Gates, preceding.)

5. You’re going to be matchmaking someone complement leadership. In fact, the only non-lefty when you look at the light home because the Cold War has become George W. Bush. (Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc and Napoleon Bonaparte were all reported to be left-handed, also.)

6. The “lefty advantage.” Lefties have strengths in activities. Opponents aren’t always facing a lefty’s offer (tennis) or punch (boxing). About 25 % of professional baseball members tend to be left-handed, and southpaws can much better adjust to watching underwater. You’ll want your own day on your team.

7. The go out will not steal your scissors. He’s got his or her own. (in case he is able to make use of scissors, it is because he is adjusted some ambidextrous habits. Impressive, huh?)

8. They get stuff accomplished. Lefties are proven multitaskers. Actually, lefties “tend to own a very also distribution of mental activity throughout the two hemispheres associated with brain,” states Dr. Clyde Francks from Wellcome believe Centre for Human family genes on University of Oxford. “this might generate lefties better at organizing vast amounts of information and multitasking, because two edges regarding mind are accustomed to connecting better.”

9. Whenever enjoying motion pictures at your home about sofa, might each get own armrest — and can however discuss the bowl of popcorn.

10. In the event your time actually ever results in a Zoolander-esque walk-off, he’ll be able to nail that remaining change.

11. Lefties are artistic and creative. Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Renoir were all left-handed. So is Paul McCartney. One research um4m near methed that individuals only had a need to clench their particular remaining arms to enhance creativeness.

12. Lefties are also normal artists, that’s probably the reason why a lot of your A-list favorites indication autographs due to their left fingers, such as Angelina Jolie, Tina Fey, Bruce Willis, Emma Thompson, Julia Roberts, Jerry Seinfeld, Oprah, Hugh Jackman, Whoopi Goldberg, Nicole Kidman, and Morgan Freeman.

13. He will enable you to get home securely. Apparently lefties are better at understanding how to drive — at the least during the U.K., where in actuality the gearshift would be to the remaining associated with motorist. Known left-handed drivers are very out-of-this-world: Buzz Aldrin and Chewbacca.

14. Fun reality: the date can probably choose certain food more quickly than it is possible to. Studies have shown that buyers line up at checkout closest for their prominent side. The remaining lane is normally emptiest.

15. Also because we understand you were thinking: Lefties much better off inside the room. In accordance with a 2014 study, left-handed individuals are 71 % a lot more pleased during sex than right-handed people. So now you understand.