Reader Question:

i have already been friends with this specific man since I was actually 10 years old. Since high-school and today into university, we began speaking more. Since the guy dumped their long-time gf, he is been speaking with me personally much more. Over the past few weeks, he is already been chatting, texting and Skyping a great deal more than normal.

I found myself thinking if he was simply conversing with me personally because our company is good friends, because the guy does not have a girlfriend any longer, or perhaps is he into me personally?

-Brie R. (Idaho)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Solution:

My choice is he’s interested. Hardly ever do guys talk regarding the phone with a girl, particularly SKYPE, if they’ren’t hoping for a sexual commitment. You are in a great energy invest this relationship.

The longer you can wait intimate get in touch with, the much more likely you’ll be able to for dedication from him. I’ll tell you not to ever initiate messages, calls or emails. Guys desire do just a bit of chasing understand they’ve a catch. Leave him lead. Be delighted and hectic and view exactly what he does.

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